Using Artificial Lifts in the Oil Fields

Artificial lifts are used when the natural energy of a reservoir isn’t strong enough to drive oil to the surface. They basically work by increasing pressure, which pushes oil up and leads to better production. Natural pressure can cause oil to flow freely, but that energy usually wanes over time, leading to the need for some artificial assistance. Artificial assistance comes in several forms, but the most common assistance is the use of pumping systems. Below are four types of pumps and how they provide artificial lifting in oil fields.

Dual Action with Hydraulic Pumps
Generally, hydraulic pumps consist of two stacked pistons that are connected by a moving rod. These pumping systems are comprised of surface and subsurface pumps and powered by clean or power oil from the well where they’re installed. They’re usually connected by tubing string. Power oil is moved through this tubing string from the surface pump to the subsurface hydraulic pump then oil is pushed through a parallel tubing string and up to the surface.

Ever Popular Beam Pumps
Beam pumps are the most common type of artificial lift system and the most common type of jack pump found on onshore oil wells. These pump systems consist of a sucker rod pump and a rod string and have pumps on and below the surface to increase pressure and force the oil up. The pumps are powered by a prime mover or electric gas engine. Above the surface, the beam pump is connected to sucker rods that dive into the wellbore. The beam pump pistons back and forth to move the pump, sucker rods and rod string. Because of this action, the pump can lift the oil through the reservoir, the well and finally, to the surface.

Emerging Gas Lifts
The gas lift is an emerging pumping system that involves using a lift to inject recycled compressed gas into a well to reduce pressure. Note: This recycled gas comes from the well. Pressure at the bottom of the well is reduced when the injected gas decreases the viscosity of all the liquids in the well. A reduction in pressure allows oil to flow freely to the surface. It’s a system that’s most often suitable for offshore oil pumping applications.

The Powerful Electric Submersible Pump
Electric submersible pumps are powerful, mass producers that can lift 25,000 barrels of oil a day. In these systems, the pump is connected to an electric motor and a centrifugal pump is installed in the reservoir below the fluid level. The entire system is connected at the bottom of a tubing string. Impellers or blades on the pump shaft spin and put pressure on oil in the well, forcing it to rise. If you're looking for a pump jack or sucker rod for your project, call a reputable provider like Lifting Solutions.


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