What Are Horizontal Pumping Systems?

Horizontal pumping systems come in a variety of different designs for a number of different applications. For example, they are used in industries like refineries, mills, and foundries as well as in domestic appliances. In fact, horizontal pumps are probably the most common type of pumping systems.

Uses of Horizontal Pumping Systems

In homes and businesses, horizontal pumps are found in washing machines, HVAC systems (such as to control condensation collection), and other appliances. They are also beneficial for municipalities for sewage and water treatment. However, it is industry where horizontal pumps have their greatest number of uses. For instance, they are used for:

-           Steam systems to return cooled water to a boiler (i.e. as a boiler feed pump)

-           Flood control in water flood sites

-           Pumps on ships to stop watercraft from sinking

-           For descaling and dewater operations

-           Irrigation

-           Water injection for deep wells

-           As booster pumps, including pipeline booster pumps

-           For transfer pumping, especially high-pressure transfers

-           As jet pumps

-           For both conventional and unconventional oil and gas plays — horizontal pumping systems are appropriate no matter if the application is upstream and uses produced water injection, crude oil transfer, or CO2 injection or if it is midstream or downstream and uses amine gas sweetening or natural gas liquids

Why Horizontal Pumps?

There are many other types of pumps available that can perform the same tasks as horizontal pumping systems. For instance, you would traditionally find screw pumps, triplex, PD pumps, and others for many of the above applications.

However, all these other pumps have a higher purchase price. They are also more complex to maintain, which only adds to expenses. Plus, it usually takes more time to receive another type of pump after you place your order. For this reason, horizontal pumping systems tend to be the preferred option.

Other Advantages of Horizontal Pumps

The benefits of horizontal pumping systems go beyond their cost. A major advantage, for instance, is their simple installation. They also provide a quiet operation, which leads to much lower noise pollution than many other types of pumps. This is in part thanks to the almost zero vibrations — which offers its own set of advantages. Finally, horizontal pumps have a modular assembly and broad pressure and flow capabilities.

Horizontal pumping systems vary almost as much in quality as they do in potential applications. Make sure that you choose a high-calibre system provided by a reputable company, one which offers a vector rod product line and other pump related services and products is ideal.


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